Saturday, January 5, 2008

Eternal Love - Conclusion

"It is depressing for us Americans to mourn the loss of 3 talented and young musicians over the span of 2 years. I personally believed that Jamie and Ken were not responsible for their deaths. After all, Ken competed because he desired to win the competition. As for Jamie, she was dealt with a psychological blow due to her sister's death. The blow was a little too much for her as she became mentally unstable. Although no one had sensed anything wrong with her mental health, Jamie had shown signs of being mentally unstable through her attitude and behaviour towards the janitor, the young man as well as Ken. Some said she committed the rash act of killing Ken because of the ardent love she had for the sister, while some said it was her medical condition which prompted her to commit that heinous act. No one knew the answer, except for Jamie and Jamie alone. However, I can be definite about the fact that Jamie truly loved her sister wholeheartedly," Uncle Rey explained as Alexis scribbled notes onto her notebook.
"That is the Kalton College shooting incident which you wanted to know about, and I hope I have enlightened you," Uncle Rey continued before flashing a grin which Alexis shuddered at the sight of it.
"Well, Uncle Rey. I am indeed enlightened, but I have one last question to ask. How did you know so much?"
"That is for me to know and for you to find out Alexis," Uncle Rey whispered into Alexis's ear before making an exit out of the room.
"But Uncle Rey....."
Uncle Rey had disappeared from Alexis's sight as Alexis dragged herself out of the room. The sudden transition from darkness to brightness prompted Alexis to squint her eyes as she made her way slowly towards the counter.
"Hi, sorry to bother you, but do you know where Uncle Rey is?"
"Who in the world is Uncle Rey and who gave you permission to step into that room? Did you not read that sign? That room is forbidden to all students and....," the senior librarian shouted as Alexis backed away from the counter before making a quick dash out of the library.
What greeted her was a poster of Uncle Rey and a sign which read: This man by the name of Joshua Rey was killed in a hit-and-run accident. Any eyewitness please call 911.


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